
Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Omni tool (Mass Effect)

     Greetings my beloved audience!  Today I will be talking about the future of the i-phone world.  This is a favorite for quite some time having been used in all three mass effect games.   Also in the most recent mass effect game it was equipped with a "blade".  It's orange, It's cool, Ladies and Gentlemen, the omni-tool!
     This little device has more apps and uses then Carter had liver pills!  For instance it has the abilities of a Flashlight, Scanner, Repair tool, Medi-gel Dispenser, Program and Hacking hub, Video camera, Video, Audio and holographic communication, Downloadable video games (heh), Omni-gel converter, and a real time object manufacturer.  Now on to the science!
     So let us begin with the holographic nature.  On your armor or wrist type device, there is a projector.  This projects a hard-light in the shape of a gauntlet covering your hand and forearm.  The hard-light projector works in a similar manner such as the energy sword hilt in my last post.  Holdings not energy but instead gamma rays in a static state.  Difference being this is hard LIGHT making it much more stable and well, hard.  To be more specific according to the mass effect wiki "Diamond-hard".  
     Now for the theories.  I theorize that because the omni-tool is in fact all light it gets hot much like your light bulbs.  Like a laser pointer it would require a heat chip to keep it from baking your arm like a potato.  
     Now for this hard light to be usable as a keyboard it would have to sense how far away your other hand is to present the graphic of the keys and the rings moving.  With that being said there must be a small transmitter in the finger tips of the glove opposite of the omni tool.  
     Next we have its overly long lasting battery power.  What i hypothesize is that on the same forearm as the omni-tool there is a atmospheric energy harvester.  Basically a device that attracts static electricity in the air and utilizes it to power energy storage units again on that forearm.  
     Finally to wrap us up.  From what i can see the omni tool isn't so much about the orange light that is around the arm, as it is a computer embedded in the forearm armor of the soldiers that use it.  Essentially a projector computer on steroids utilizing tiny micro chips so as not to make the gauntlet too heavy.  When you see people using omni-tools without a wrist gauntlet... well that just doesn't make any sense what so ever.  At least none that i can see.

                                                                                               With all due respect
                                                                                                The Game General

Monday, August 5, 2013

Energy Sword (Halo)

     Greetings my beloved public.  Today I shall be explaining the mechanics of the Halo Energy sword.
     Now what i would like to do is start off with the most obvious starting point.  The "hilt" of the energy sword.  As you can see there are two bulbous masses on either end of said hilt.  Along those are two slits emitting energy.  What i theorize is that it is electromagnetic releasing lightning in an organized fashion not unlike the (this is true) useless prop in the Frankenstein's monster movies. (A.K.A. Jacob's ladder)
     however it works in a semi reversed style were as with Jacob's ladder it goes between two metal rods, the energy blade creates two electric rods.  Now you might ask "General, if that is the case then why isn't it meeting in the middle?" well if you would sit down and be quiet I'm getting to that.  Before i was so rudely interrupted, you will notice the big gaping space.  This is what i would believe is caused by the glowing at the top of the hilt.  Releasing a opposite charge into the air in a straight beam type manner such as a laser pointer.  Thus causing the two energy beams to stop short of each other.  Also like with all energy it loses power and narrows into a perfect point.  This is where the cool happens.  This is also a little bit of the science fiction behind the light saber which i might do in the future.  In the device there lies a magnetic Whatchamacallit.  but does it magnetize metal no, in instead magnetizes the very energy emitted holding the atoms being released in a static state.  
     Finally to finish this little thing up, I'm going to explain how it doesn't need recharging and why there are only a certain number of "slashes" it may use.  You see with the energy being held in place, its not having to emit more.  Therefor no batteries.  But why does it run out when hitting things?  Well with it holding the atoms in place, and you slash something.  The energy is then transferred into said object and then it must release more energy to make up for that which has been lost.  Similar to when you cover the nozzle of a hose.  
     To wrap us up.  That is the energy blade.  Tune in next time for some interesting stuff about things that don't really exist.  Using science that is fiction. 

                                                                                                 With all due respect
                                                                                                  The Game General


     Greetings world.  This is The Game General and I'm here to break down the technology in games.  I wish to explain how these pieces of our game past work using almost real science.  To deconstruct it and show you the meat of it, in such a way as to make you think "hmm if this one thing here was actually real all of this would work."  However i would like to say something before beginning any of this.  "I do not in any way take ownership of any of the to be named collections of atoms, they all belong to their respective owners. Thank you." That being said let us begin.